Decide What You Want and Send Your Brain on a Hunt to Figure It Out -- With Meg Gluckman

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Sep 08 2021 41 mins  

Meg Gluckman is a life and business coach. In this episode, she shares her journey from having the thought "I want a job where I can be home with my kids after school" to investing in herself and making it happen.

We discussed in this episode:
--Meg's decision to become a certified life coach when covid hit.
--How Meg used her retirement money to be home with the kids and invest in her certification
--How to have massive belief in yourself (and or your business) to know you can generate income to replace any investment you make in yourself.
--The power of coaching.
--Making a co-parenting schedule work for your business and life.
--Carving out time for yourself and viewing that time as sacred.
--Focusing on the aspects of your life you CAN control.
--How covid has shown us how adaptable and creative we are

and so much more! Can't wait for you to listen.

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