Moshe Underweiser - "Hashem chose ME!"

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Apr 22 2023 32 mins  

“I'll never know why Hakadosh Baruch Who thought that I needed to be stricken with Stage 4 colon cancer, but I do know that that’s what He thought I needed to be a better person.” Welcome back to Episode5 of Grateful Warriors! Today, we spoke to the remarkable Moshe Underweiser, who in his own words, is FBC—frum by choice. Radiating exuberance from a moment into the episode. Moshe shares how his path to frumkeit—from his Woodmere upbringing to working at a frum law firm in the mid 2000s—-helped him get through one of the most frightening diagnoses a person can recieve… cancer. As Moshe says, “Cancer is my Goliath. Hakadosh Baruch Hu has given me the ability not just to be a warrior, but a grateful warrior, and say thank you Hashem for choosing me!”