Fetish In Videogames Part 2 - SeattleDan

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0% played 00:00 00:00
Aug 12 2024 114 mins  

We're back with more Fetish In Videogames!

**Audio Disclaimer** - Dax is aware the Audio for Dan is not great quality - this was caused by a hardware error during recording. This error has since been rectified, but unfortunately the audio recorded was severely damaged and this was the best quality Dax could get it. There is a full transcript of Dan's Audio available on Daxsdeviants.com - under the SeattleDan blog page.

This week Dax talks to Dan, the developer behind the Galaxy Legion games. We talk about the games, and the broad topic of fetish within the videogame world, discussing our own experiences and what we'd like to see for the future.

Dan was also gracious enough to create an exclusive in game item for Galaxy Legion 2, and there's a redeem code available in the podcast - be sure to redeem it for a nice item!

If you're enjoying the show, please comment, share and interact on socials - let Dax know what you want to see!

