Talkin' Slayer, Episode 55: Talkin' the Kerry Album... A Long, Conversational Review of From Hell I Rise

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May 27 2024 48 mins   4

Today's topic is my long review & analysis of the Kerry King album From Hell I Rise. More important, what do YOU think about it? Tell me in the comments. I really want to hear what yiz think.

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Kerry King "Toxic" video, which kicks ass eventually:

Kerry King band album review: Kory Grow of Rolling Stone says:

Kerry King band album review, video: Our bud Keefy at Ghost Cult says:

Kerry King band album review: Metal Sucks says:

Kerry King band album review: For a UK perspective, the Moshville Times says:

Talkin' Slayer is (normally) deeply researched, written, rehearsed, lightly edited, and member-supported, with some production value.

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