What even is Inner Peace?

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Dec 14 2019 33 mins  

What even is inner peace?

Inner peace is a choice that we make, and it’s a skill that we continually develop.

Inner peace comes from a healthy and happy internal world. It comes from releasing attachments to things outside of you, and understanding that only YOU have the power to create this state, not any personal, place, or other material item.

If you picture your internal world like a garden, every day you can do things to take care of that garden and make it a beautiful, relaxing place that you genuinely enjoy spending time in.

It’s not about having the “perfect” garden, or ripping out all the weeds. It’s loving ALL parts of yourself - and coming to terms with what IS - even the shadow aspects that we’ve buried. Sometime during our lives we were either shown or told that certain parts of ourselves were not okay. We became ashamed of these parts, and buried them away.

But shame blocks inner peace. When you can feel at home within yourself, and love ALL aspects of self, you genuinely start to enjoy spending time with yourself, you genuinely enjoy spending time in your own garden, in your own body and mind, and you relax into yourself. Nothing outside of you is needed because you have everything you need right here, within. When you appreciate who you ARE, what you HAVE, in this very moment, then striving and growing becomes healthy and fun - you do it because you love yourself, and you know what you deserve.