Disinformation as a Tool of Psychological Manipulation

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Sep 27 2023 37 mins   3

#Episode 21

Disinformation as a Tool of Psychological Manipulation Diane Benscoter is the founder of Antidote, an organization advocating for psychological manipulation to be recognized as a public health concern. She founded the NGO drawing from her own experiences as a member of a cult - in the 1970s, Diane spent five years as a member of the religious cult the "Moonies."

Since then, she has traveled the world helping former members of cults, hate groups, terrorist groups and gangs. She has shared her insights and learnings through TED talks, publishing books, and writing articles. More recently, she has focused on how social media allows extremist groups to target and manipulate specific vulnerable online populations at scale to spread their propaganda and disinformation.

Topics Covered:

  • Some people call it brainwashing. You call it psychological manipulation. How do you define it?
  • How is social media being used to create online cults?
  • Information silos and online environments
  • Does debunking work?
  • Is there a prevention?

Learn more about Antidote via their website - https://antidote.ngo/

Too Much (dis)Information

The podcast that explores everything related to disinformation and online networks. To help us make sense of the global town square that is social media, in every episode, our host speaks to a fresh voice to uncover the good, bad, and fake online.

This podcast believes that we are at a pivotal moment in the fight against disinformation. Many people apply the word disinformation to everything from fake news, bot networks, malicious actors, influence operations, manipulation, inauthentic accounts, social media imposters, OSINT threat intelligence, and much more.

So do we...

From the trends to the tools, Too Much (dis)Information brings you the experts on the front line fighting disinformation, and all its forms, across the public sector, brands, cyber security professionals, and academia.

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