The CIA's Stargate Endeavor: Exploring Remote Viewing and Beyond

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May 16 2024 17 mins  

conducted from the 1970s to the 1990s by various agencies of the United States government, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). This study examined the use of psychic phenomena, particularly remote viewing, by the military and intelligence communities.

This report examines space-time transcendence from a spiritual and scientific perspective, including techniques to achieve it and potential applications. For its intended audience—CIA top brass—to begin to grasp its (and our) bigger reason for being, it introduces methodological frames of reference like hypnosis, transcendental meditation, spiritual belief systems, biofeedback, quantum physics, and universal holograms.

On page 24, there is a cliffhanger when the discussion of reality begins. Reality is a "work in progress," and both the CIA and the reader play roles in the future. The author suggests that the CIA and the reader have the power to create their own realities. In addition to raising questions about the CIA and its influence on the world, religious ideologies are explored and the true meaning of God or the Absolute.

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At Humanfluence, my mission is dedicated to expanding human awareness and contributing to a more informed and enlightened world. Through this YouTube channel and other platforms, I strive to gather and organize insights from all religious, spiritual, philosophical, psychological, and historical sources. I consider myself an "aggregator" of knowledge and information, aiming to expose humanity to a comprehensive spectrum of ideas and encourage critical examination.

The information I present at Humanfluence does not necessarily reflect my personal beliefs, nor is it intended to convert or evangelize. My goal is to inform and entertain, fostering a foundation for unity, understanding, and harmony. Together, let's embark on a journey to explore the vast realms of consciousness and reality, shaping a brighter future for humanity.

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