Policing, borders and hard security within the UK

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Aug 01 2023 35 mins  

In this episode, we discuss the links between national ‘security’ and internal security like policing and border control, as well as highlight the experiences of marginalised communities with these internal security structures. Joanna is joined by Loraine Masiya Mponela ( https://www.noaudienceloraine.co.uk ) a Malawian born and raised currently living in Coventry, UK, a Mother, Migrants Rights Campaigner and Writer. Also, we have Emily Apple, the Media Coordinator from Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT).

Further information

Loraine is the ex-chair for Coventry Asylum and Refugee Action Group (CARAG, 2018-2022 https://www.carag.co.uk ), a self-organised group for and by people seeking asylum and migrants with precarious status. She is also one of the ex co-chairs for the Status Now 4 All campaign ( https://www.statusnow4all.org ). She's the author of "I was not born a sad poet" ( https://amzn.to/3Z0Edu9 ) a poetry book that gives a voice to asylum seekers whom we usually don't hear from.

Lorraine also wrote a blog for Rethinking Security about the experience of asylum seekers during the Covid lockdown

Emily mentioned that policing has a history in colonialism. You can find out more about this in CAAT’s Arms Trade 101 webinar series with Dr Adam Elliot-Cooper here. Historian Caroline Elkins is also worth checking out on this. You can also listen to her talk about her work on the Kenyan emergency in 1952 in the Empire podcast.
CAAT have a page on their website on policing and you can also check out Stop-Watch

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