The Time I Was Caught in a CULT Trap - The 7 Signs of It

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Jun 10 2024 42 mins  

Can you believe it has been 5 years? Thank you to all who have been with my podcast, Journey of a Fearless Female, since day one 🥳. It has been a journey of self-discovery, letting go of my insecurities, and allowing myself to step outside of fear. Hence the name, Fearless Female.

Now that we are besties, I recently watched the documentary "Dancing with the Devil," and it gave me the courage to share my personal experience of being in a cult and how I finally saw the red flags.

Just when you think there is no way it can happen to you, this documentary and others I mention in this video will show you that it can happen to anyone. The cult atmosphere is filled with manipulation and control, and they love to isolate you to control the narrative. They love-bomb you and make you believe that you are part of something so important. I was young and impressionable when this happened, and I’ve come out stronger and more aware.

In this video, I’ll walk you through the 7 signs to watch out for: a charismatic leader, manipulative practices, exclusivity, exploitation, absolute doctrine, aggressive recruitment, and control over daily life.

Understanding these signs can help you spot a cult before you get too deep. Join me as I recount the warning signs and talk about the many documentaries that depict these 7 signs. I may lose followers by some of the things I say, but I am very passionate about helping people see the glaring red flags of cults.

If you suspect you or someone you know might be involved in a cult, this video is a must-watch. Let’s spread awareness and empower each other to recognize these dangerous groups. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more content on overcoming life’s toughest challenges. Your support means the world to me!