41: Navigating Uncertainty, Indecision + Settling Into The Discomfort of the Unknown

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May 21 2024 33 mins  

If you're struggling to make a decision in your life right now, or feel uncertain about something - this episode is for you. Be ok with the uncertainty of the in between and settling into the discomfort of the unknown.

In today’s episode I wanted to just talk freely about something I was navigating and how I have navigated seasons of ‘ in between’ or uncertainty in the past. I felt I really heavily moved through this when trying to make the decision regarding my separation, and it is beginning to show up again in regards to where I feel like I want to live/move. It isn’t nearly as heavy of a decision, but none the less I find myself having to find comfort amongst the uncertainty and find a way to still show up for my life in the in between of the unknown. No matter what you are moving through, if you are in a season of in between or having difficulty making a decision about something big, listen to this because my ramble may help you relate and understand your overthinking can be really normal and its up to you to help regulate yourself and bring yourself back to a state of grounded-ness.

How Waiting energy lowers your vibration and your frequency and demagnetizes you. In order to be magnetic, you cannot be sitting in a waiting energy - which I realize I was sort of doing. When you sit in waiting energy, especially for something outside of you - you start to repel everything you truly desire away from you.

I share some ways I like to help myself do that and also a question you can ask yourself when you start to get too much in your mind and begin really overthinking /are in a state of obsession or manic manifesting on a specific outcome. Because ps that is never how you attract your desires.. you must surrender and a state of overthinking and control is everything but a state of surrender.

The question to ask when you can feel yourself manically manifesting:

Universe/God what do you want to move through me? How can I surrender to your greater plan + show up for you? And sit in stillness and breathe until you feel ready to start writing and trust that you will be met with answers. Write down 5 things.


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