Walk Habitually in the Spirit

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Feb 13 2020 16 mins  

Pop Quiz Answer

Pop Quiz Date: 2/12/2020

Question: Fill in the Blank: "But I say, walk [              ] in the Spirit, and then you will certainly not carry out the desire of the sinful nature." Gal 5:16

Answer: Habitually

Looking for a huddle of God Girls to do faith with? Join me in the Simply Faithfull Group of FB! We're waiting for you...See you soon!

Choosing to respond to the guidance of God's Word and the Holy Spirit isn't always the easy step the take - especially when past traumas have triggered and pulled on your heart strings - but it is absolutely necessary if we are to heal so we can stretch, grow, and strengthen in our faith.

How to do this:

  • Make FAITH your default - your go-to for any and everything, good, bad, or indifferent in your life
  • Stay in your Bible - we must be reading our ACTUAL BIBLE every day...it's our only guaranteed weapon against enemy attacks
  • Resolve to do things God's way, no matter what justification or 'satisfaction' the enemy promises you'll receive by giving in to your sinful nature (NOTE: he only shows you 'in the moment', neglecting to show you the aftermath of your actions)

Praying for you all always, as we grow in faith together! I LOVE doing faith with you!

Looking for a huddle of God Girls to do faith with? Join me in the Simply Faithfull Group of FB! We're waiting for you...See you soon!