In My Weakness He IS...

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Feb 17 2020 20 mins  

Healing is messy business, by the Bible is very clear about what we can and should do from our moments, or sometimes seasons, of weakness as we heal. I like to look at these as opportunities to further develop Spiritual G.R.I.T. 

In this week's episode, I break down G.R.I.T. 

  • Grace
  • Reliance
  • Intentionality
  • Time

to help us see how we can grow in the midst of our healing processes, instead of giving up and walking away, which is JUST the thing the enemy would like us to do.

In my weakness, He is

  • made strong
  • my reassurance
  • my light
  • my peace & calm
  • my direction
  • my joy & contentment
  • my validation
  • my truth
  • my rock
  • my source

What is God in your weakness?

Looking for a huddle of God Girls to do faith with? Join me in the Simply Faithfull Group of FB! We're waiting for you...See you soon!

I LOVE doing faith with you!