Much, Much More

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Mar 07 2020 15 mins  

Pop Quiz Answer

Pop Quiz Date: March 4, 2020

Question: Fill in the Blank - "With God's power working in us, ____ can do much, much more than we can ask or imagine." Eph 3:20 NCV

Answer: God

Here’s the thing - It’s not about you, sis.

It’s not about me, and it’s not about you. It’s all about HIM , capital H I M. When we make the decision to be a God Girl, it’s so important we make the mental shift to understanding we’re no longer required to operate in our own power. 

What I want to talk to you about today is the mental transition of allowing God to work THROUGH us versus working at everything in our own might as we did before accepting Jesus into our hearts and lives. This mental transition is one we MUST make sooner than later, because once we are able to do this, we become supernaturally empowered to tackle (and accomplish) the purpose and calling on our lives.

Here are 3 ways to let God work His power through you:

  1. Submit your will to His every single day - determine that you will do things His way no matter what, from this moment forward
  2. Read your Bible as often as possible (which is as least once a day, girls)
  3. Pray…spend time talking to God and listening to what He speaks to your heart

Looking for a huddle of God Girls to do faith with? Join me in the Simply Faithfull Group of FB! We're waiting for you...See you soon!

I LOVE doing faith with you!