202. Country Beyoncé and Breaking Down the 'Stay in Your Lane' Mentality

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Mar 06 2024 17 mins  

Now, it's not my usual style to dive into internet drama, but sometimes, you come across something that hits close to home. Recently, I stumbled upon a post on Facebook where someone suggested that “Beyoncé should stick to her own lane and stay out of country music.” Now, this struck a chord with me, not just because I'm a fan of Beyoncé, but because it's reflective of a mindset that we should have left behind by now.

Let's break this down together and understand why such comments are not just harmful, but also a reflection of someone's own limiting beliefs. As we enter 2024, it's high time we move away from shrinking ourselves and others based on preconceived notions.

As a woman entrepreneur who has faced her fair share of challenges and risks, I feel a responsibility to address these harmful comments. Moreover, as a mother to black children, it's crucial to speak out against perpetuating stereotypes, especially when it's coming from one (white) woman about another (Black) woman.

The claim that someone should stay in their lane is essentially a projection of the individual's small perception of themselves. We shouldn't be putting people into boxes, whether it's about their music, their work, or even their role in motherhood. We are here to expand, evolve, and try new things.

Now, if you're in a position of influence, be it as an entrepreneur, mentor, or guide, remember the sacred responsibility that comes with it. Your words carry weight, and they can either inspire or discourage those who look up to you.

Putting someone in a box not only limits their creative expression but also goes against the universal commandment of being fully expressed as individuals. The journey to self-expression involves shedding old layers and making space for the new, for your soul's expression.

I'm currently diving into an audiobook on creativity, and it emphasizes that some of the best art can be polarizing. Not everyone has to like it, and that's perfectly fine. Our world needs a spectrum of voices, flavors, and expressions.

So, instead of limiting others, let's be aware of our reactions and thoughts when we encounter such statements. Here are a few questions for you to ponder: 1) Can you cheer for others when they take risks? 2) Can you allow yourself and others to step outside of boxes and labels?, and 3) Can you embrace people's highest possibilities?

It's time to break free from the old paradigm, hold visions of highest possibilities, and create a world where diversity and creativity flourish.

And by the way, have you heard Beyoncé's latest country tracks? They're on repeat in my car, and yes, I'm officially a country music fan in 2024. #influenced.

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