3 Lies to never believe when you're trying to conceive

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Apr 03 2024 28 mins   1

We hear a lot of BS on this journey from our doctors and other “experts”, but sadly, we also tell ourselves a lot of stories that simply aren’t true. And most of us don’t realize that we’re doing it. If you’ve had failed IVF treatments, suffered from a miscarriage, been told you have unexplained infertility or any other of the host of things that women experience on this journey, then the odds are that beautiful sneaky brain of yours is feeding you at least one (if not all three) of these common lies.

Have you ever found yourself wondering if you waited too long, if this struggle is your fault, or if you’re being punished for something?

If you said yes to one or more of those questions, then you need to check out this podcast right now. Living in fear, blame and guilt is not only making you miserable it’s also blocking your fertility.

That’s because you can’t make good decisions from a bad place. The more stressed out, guilt ridden and fearful we become, the more our pre-frontal cortex gets overloaded and our thinking literally becomes muddied. When we’re feeding ourselves a steady diet of thoughts like “I’m too old” or “It’s my fault this isn’t working” we think we’re basing our ideas off of facts, but the truth is they’re reactions to a frightening, high stakes situation. But we believe them anyway. And that muddies our thinking and the cycle continues.

How do you break the cycle? Poke at the thoughts so you can see exactly how “true” (or UNTRUE) they really are.

And that’s exactly what we’re doing together on today’s episode.

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