Afraid to celebrate your wins? Why being cautious is keeping you stuck and what you can do about it.

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Apr 10 2024 22 mins  

When you get good news on this journey, how do you respond? If you’re like most women who’re struggling to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term, you try not to get too excited. Does that sound right?

If it does, then today’s show is going to help you feel more comfortable celebrating your wins. If you’ve experienced something traumatic like miscarriage, failed IVF, a diagnosis of unexplained infertility, or some other horrible thing, then it’s understandable that when a bit of good news comes your way, like a great blood test, a successful egg retrieval or a sign of healthy ovulation, you’re cautious about feeling “too” happy.

Maybe you’re worried that feeling excited now will make it more painful later if things don’t work out? Like by not celebrating it’ll hurt less is something goes wrong? I’m going to tell you the truth right now because I love you and I don’t want you to suffer: it doesn’t help.

Being cautious about being happy is like sending a big red flag out to the universe that says, I’m miserable, give me more please. When you celebrate your wins you signal to your body, your mind and the universe at large that you expect more good things to come, and that sets you up to realize those things.

In contrast, when you stay cautious, the sadness of a loss or something not working out on schedule doesn’t hurt less. You just hurt twice: once when you expect it or deny your happiness as a way of “protecting” yourself and the other when whatever thing you feared actually happens.

Today we’re talking about what you can do instead of living in this cycle of denial and fear and start living your BEST life while you prepare for baby.

Ready to get serious about bringing your baby home in the next year? Join the waitlist for the BFP Spring Cohort. Waitlist friends get up to $500 in discounts and bonuses, PLUS early access to register ahead of the crowd.

Break the habits that can sabotage your success on this journey. Start with this ebook:

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