What’s your period trying to tell you? Simple secrets to hack your hormones and help you get pregnant with guest expert, Kate Nguy

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Apr 17 2024 57 mins  

Do you feel angry when your period is about to start? Do you snap at your partner more? Do you tend to overcommit when you’re ovulating? Do you even know when you’re ovulating? Our cycles and their impact on us tend to be invisible. We sort of have a vague idea of PMS, but the rest is generally off our radar (at least it was for me for most of my life, lol). However, paying attention to our entire cycle can unlock blocks between us and our babies, and it isn’t very hard or time consuming to do! On today’s show, Kate Nguy shares a few simple tools we can use to make a huge impact on our menstrual health. We dive deep into the flow of the female menstrual cycle uncovering some hidden truths that can be life changing. Kate shares her incredible fertility story, including 3 ectopic pregnancies, how she went on to defy dire odds ultimately conceiving and carrying three healthy babies, naturally. Her journey inspired her to learn more about how living in harmony with our menstrual cycle, rather than struggling against it, can actually optimize fertility and make life SO much better simultaneously. In this episode we discuss:

· Kate’s experience with ectopic pregnancy and how she beat the odds (to have 3 kids!).

· What is hormone hacking and how can it help you get pregnant?

· How knowing your menstrual cycle will help you understand your emotions and improve your relationships.

· Why progesterone, testosterone and estrogen affect us at different phases of our menstrual cycle.

· How understanding the role of these hormones empowers us to structure our lives to optimize fertility.

· Why fear, doubt and negativity can’t hurt you as long as you follow this simple rule.

· How to listen to your body and use it alongside logic to make decisions that bring you closer to your baby.

Connect with Kate!
Instagram: @thealignedwomb
Website: Sheerevival.com
Sacred Cycle Charting Journal: https://sheerevival.ck.page/430081fe5c
Maybe It's Not You: The Truth on PMS Ebook: https://sheerevival.ck.page/2f7ce298d6

Aligned Womb, Aligned You - https://www.sheerevival.com/podcast

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