7. Scott Wolter and Hayley Ramsey | The Connection Between Atlantis and The Knights Templar

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Mar 29 2024 81 mins   4

In this episode, George Howard is joined by Scott Wolter and Hayley Ramsey to discuss various topics related to the Templars, the sacred feminine, and ancient civilizations. They explore the significance of the Cremona Documents and their connection to the Templars. They also delve into the Atlantean culture and its relationship to catastrophic events. The conversation highlights the importance of the sacred feminine and the balance between male and female energies. Additionally, they discuss genetic ratios and the possibility of parthenogenesis in human history. The conversation explores mitochondrial DNA and its role in human history, the 17 to 1 female-to-male ratio, the discovery of a new quarry at Gobekli Tepe, and the Cremona documents containing encrypted messages about Templar history. In this conversation, Scott and Hayley discuss their treasure-hunting adventures and the valuable information they have uncovered. They share stories of finding coins, maps, and potentially significant historical artifacts. The conversation also touches on the importance of knowledge and the truth and the transition to the Age of Aquarius. Scott and Hayley express their excitement for the upcoming Cosmic Summit and discuss their new book and tours. Overall, the conversation highlights the thrill of exploration and the quest for truth. Scott and Haley will both be speaking at Cosmic Summit 2024 this June! In addition to being speakers over the weekend, they will be revealing exclusive information in an 8-hour classroom session on Monday! Tickets are available now, get yours now. Get your tickets for Cosmic Summit 2024: https://cosmicsummit.com/?_ef_transaction_id=&oid=6&affid=4 Learn more about Cosmic Summit 2024: https://cosmicsummit.com/ Key Links: - Scott Wolter's Upcoming Book: https://www.amazon.com/Island-Knights-Templar-Holy-Grail/dp/1682011526/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1707089689&refinements=p_27%3AScott+F.+Wolter&s=books&sr=1-1 - Hayley Ramsey's New Book: https://www.amazon.com/Bringer-Life-Cosmic-History-Feminine/dp/1948803585/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2T5LREK8W2NDB&keywords=haley+ramsey&qid=1707089705&s=books&sprefix=haley+ramsey%2Cstripbooks%2C116&sr=1-1 - Scott Wolter's Website: http://hookedx.com/ - Hayley Ramsey's Website: https://hayleyaramsey.com - Scott Wolter's New Gaia Series: https://www.gaia.com/series/mysteries-of-the-knights-templar - Scott Wolter's talk at Cosmic Summit 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKa0HN9Mor0 - Research paper about the ratio of women to men before the Younger Dryas Impact event: Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Guest Introductions 03:03 The Cremona Documents and the Templars 09:09 The Atlantean Culture and Catastrophic Events 14:14 The Connection Between Templars and Indigenous Tribes 21:07 The Importance of the Sacred Feminine 28:06 The Decline of Men and the Balance of Male and Female Energies 32:40 Discussion on Genetic Ratios and Parthenogenesis 33:41 Mitochondrial DNA and Human History 34:09 The 17 to 1 Female-to-Male Ratio 35:31 Exploring Gobekli Tepe 36:26 Templar Symbols and Gobekli Tepe 39:11 Unusual Quarry at Gobekli Tepe 42:45 The Cremona Documents 01:04:30 Revealing the Redacted Information 01:05:00 Treasure Hunting Adventures 01:06:07 Discovering a Coin and a Map 01:07:33 Exploring Historical Treasures 01:09:14 The Value of Knowledge 01:10:01 Gold vs. the Remains of Jesus 01:11:10 Sharing the Truth 01:13:01 The Importance of Knowing History 01:14:53 Transitioning to the Age of Aquarius 01:16:10 Praise for the Cosmic Summit 01:17:06 The Gaia Series: Mysteries of the Knights 01:17:48 Upcoming Tours and New Website 01:19:29 Combining Tours with the Cosmic Summit 01:20:53 Closing Remarks