8. Paul Schatzkin, Bob Greenyer, & Ashton Forbes | The Importance of Investigating Unbelievable Technologies That Have Been Suppressed

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Mar 29 2024 151 mins   3

See all 3 of these guests as presenters at Cosmic Summit 2024 on June 15-17 in Greensboro, NC! Virtual and In-person passes are available at https://cosmicsummit.com/ Cosmic Summit presents an unparalleled opportunity for engagement with the people you have watched and respected and who are at the forefront of scientific exploration. We are offering a platform for discussion, discovery, and networking among pioneers of science and technology. Ok, now for the description of the podcast... The conversation underscores the critical nature of investigating technologies that have been marginalized or suppressed. Highlighted by the historic case of the Pons and Fleischmann announcement regarding cold fusion, the dialogue opens up discussions on how such technologies challenge established scientific paradigms and hold the potential for revolutionary energy solutions. Ball lightning and its connection to exotic vacuum objects emerge as topics of particular interest. The episode delves into how these phenomena could not only redefine our understanding of natural processes but also hint at untapped technological capabilities that straddle the line between current scientific understanding and the realms of speculative science fiction. The mysterious disappearance of MH370 serves as a case study for discussions on advanced technological capabilities and the shadow of government secrecy. This segment, spearheaded by Ashton Forbes, encourages listeners to consider the implications of such technologies on global security, privacy, and the nature of information dissemination in the digital age. The Guests: Bob Greenyer @MFMP : Delivers insights into the realm of cold fusion, advocating for a reevaluation of its potential as a clean and abundant energy source. His research illuminates paths less traveled, challenging the scientific establishment’s resistance to novel technologies. Paul Schatzkin: Schatzkin's work as an author sheds light on the unsung heroes of science, whose contributions have often been obscured or forgotten. His narratives invite a reexamination of historical technologies and their relevance to current scientific challenges. Seen recently on Jesse Michaels"s documentary "The Scientist who Built 'UFOs'" : https://youtu.be/RTEWLSTyUic?si=byvxLfAcQnsosTnH Ashton Forbes @JustXAshton : Embodies the spirit of citizen journalism, particularly in his pursuit of truth surrounding the MH370 disappearance. Forbes’ investigative journey underscores the complex interplay between advanced technology, government secrecy, and the quest for transparency. Engagement and Exploration: This episode is a clarion call to the scientific community and the public at large to embrace open-mindedness in the pursuit of knowledge. It challenges listeners to consider the broader implications of these discussions for both the field of science and societal progress. Through critical engagement with the content, the episode aims to inspire further research and dialogue on topics that have the potential to reshape our understanding of the world.