The World Champion Triathlete Who Cycled a Lap of Britain - Kate Strong

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Mar 05 2024 111 mins   1

As a former world champion in triathlon, Kate Strong knows what it takes to be at the very top of her game. But she also knows what it feels like to fall back to zero, such is the fragility of competitive sports, and the reality of getting injured as an athlete.

Starting again from the bottom with the bare minimum, Kate built herself back and aimed to be the first woman to set a world record for the greatest distance cycled on a static bike in 24 hours.

And Kate not only rode an astonishing astonishing 433.1 miles in 24 hours, she also claimed the 12 hour and the 1 hour record at the same time, as well as making waves in showing what women in sport can do.

Eager to continue using sport to make an impact on others, last summer Kate cycled 3,000 miles around Britain, connecting with 50 different communities, organisations & charities that positively impact climate change. She called it the Climate Cycle.

In this conversation, we talk about what it takes to become a triathlon world champion, how Kate felt after being injured and having to start again from zero, how discovering the lack of female records in sport inspired Kate to take on the 24 hour cycle, and how her first failure inspired her eventual success.

We talk about her Climate Cycle, how she deals with climate deniers, how the 'vegan' label can be quite limiting, and we talk about some of the places she visited on her epic 3,000 mile ride.

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Mentioned in the conversation:

Green football weekend:

Forest Green Rovers:

Lobster Hatchery:

Lake District Foraging:

Seaweed Farm:

Building from rubble:

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