Deepening Your Canine Connection with Annika McDade

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Jul 27 2024 58 mins  

I’m really excited to share this week’s conversation that I had with Annika McDade of Canine Connection Coaching and Training. Annika is such a beautiful soul, and her approach to working with dogs, and their humans, is so resonant, so in alignment with the Mystic Dog Mama philosophy. She brings science and soul to her approach in training dogs, but also in supporting their humans to develop deeper connections with their canine companions, and ultimately with themselves.

Annika and I talk about the concept of our dogs being a sacred mirror for us, and she shares her own experiences and journey of exploring how dogs serve as these mirrors, inviting us to deepen our connections to them and ourselves. She also shares some really useful tips and tricks that you can use to practically deal with some of your dog’s reactive behaviours and anxiety.

So, if you have been curious about how to deepen your relationship with your dog - mind, heart, and soul - then this is the episode for you!

Connect with Annika McDade:

Instagram: @canineconnectioncoaching


If you would like me to do a short episode on a particular topic related to nourishing your dog - or yourself - mind, body, or soul, for my upcoming series, just send me a message on Instagram @mysticdogmama!

I am also opening my books up for canine nutrition and wellness consultations! So, if you are curious about how fresh food can benefit your dog’s health, or if your dog is struggling with a health condition, or you’re already a fresh feeder but you would like to learn how to optimise your dog’s diet, I’d love to help you! Some really beautiful feedback I have received from clients has been “this is the first time I’ve felt really heard by anyone in the veterinary field,” and “oh my goodness, this is so helpful, for the first time I feel really hopeful about my dog’s health journey and our relationship”. So, if you need some help and support, just DM me on Instagram @mysticdogmama, and I’ll be happy to have a chat!

This episode was sponsored by Aspirationery, which, in full transparency, is another project of mine where we create books, notebooks, and stationery to help you become all you aspire to be. You can check out our shadow work and moon magic journals and workbooks, as well as our popular “My First Period Tracker” for young girls and tweens on Instagram @aspirationery

DISCLAIMER: This is not a substitute for medical advice or other relevant professional advice.