Lion's Gate Special: Where the Lion Meets the Dog, An Auspicious Time to Create the Life You Want

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Aug 07 2024 25 mins  

It's 8/8 today! And you know what that means, Lion's Gate! The time when the Dog Star meets the Sun in Leo. This is an amazing time for reflecting on and creating all the wonderful things life has to offer.

And as the Dog meets the Lion, it's also an invitation for deep self-inquiry to explore how we can learn from our dogs and live a much more heart-led, self-compassionate life.

I share with you 5 questions and practices I will be using for myself today to take advantage of this auspicious time in order to create a more soulful life for myself and Lucky, and I invite you to try them out if you feel called!

Wishing you a happy and bountiful Lion's Gate!

Let me know if you find this helpful! You can DM me on Instagram @mysticdogmama