Summer Series: A Refresher on Energetics, Tips to Identify Your Dog's Unique Energetic Pawprint

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Aug 17 2024 20 mins  

In this episode of the Summer Series, I'm doing a refresher on your dog's energetics, after a lovely listener reached out after trying to figure out her own dogs' energetics.

I give some tips and tricks on how to identify your dog's primary element of their constitution, as well as whether or not they run more towards cool or warm, and how you can then balance this with food. I also share ways to check your dog's behavioural quirks, and how the time of day they do them might point us to areas of imbalance.

As always, let me know what topics you'd like me to cover in future episodes, or any guests you'd like me to reach out to! Just message me on Instagram @mysticdogmama, or leave a comment on YouTube or Spotify

Enjoy this episode, and enjoy your dog days of summer!

Until next time!

Book I mentioned (This is an Amazon Affiliate link. I receive commission if you choose to purchase through this link, at no cost to you. This helps keep the podcast up and running, so thank you for considering it!)

Dr Cheryl Schwarz Four Paws Five Directions

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And here's a link to Dr Judy Morgan's free pet personality quiz: