5 Ways The N.E.W. Approach Transformed My Life (+ Can Transform Yours, Too1)

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Sep 07 2024 61 mins  

What if I told you that nourishing your dog (and yourself!) is NOT just about food?

Yep, that’s right, you heard it straight from the holistic canine nutrition and wellness consultant’s mouth!

Food is one component, but there's more...

What if I told you that what is ACTUALLY needed to help support your dog’s health is a N.E.W. Approach, one that takes a whole dog perspective and includes:




When you bring these 3 components together, you have a recipe for health and nourishment!

But, like an infomercial from the 1990s, "Wait! There's more!"

This N.E.W Approach to feeding your dog might actually hold the key to your spiritual awakening, and to you finding the deep sense of purpose and connection you have been seeking.

In this episode, I share with you 5 ways that The N.E.W Approach to feeding Lucky transformed my life, and how you can apply its principles to transform yours, too!

Don't forget, you can receive 15% off canine nutrition + wellness packages booked in September! If The N.E.W. Approach to feeding your dog resonates with you, and you'd like my help in optimising your dog's diet, get in touch on my website https://mysticdogmama.com, or on Instagram @mysticdogmama to find out more!

Listen to my interview with Dr Tom Lonsdale on the importance of Raw Meaty Bones that I reference in this episode:
