Honoring Our Animals + Ourselves: Normalizing Pet Loss Grief with Beth Bigler

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Sep 14 2024 81 mins  

In this week’s episode, I chat with Beth Bigler of Honoring Our Animals. Beth is a pet loss grief counsellor who is offering a really important and valuable space for us to explore the various kinds of grief we will inevitably experience in our lives, especially when we invite our four-legged beloveds into our lives.

Beth and I have one of the most important conversations I think I’ve had around the topic of grief, of our culture’s complete avoidance of the grieving and mourning experiences, and how we can transform with and through the process of honouring our animals, and honouring ourselves.This is not a sad conversation, don’t worry. But, it is a validating one.

We talk about all different kinds of grief - whether that’s the grief we feel around not having the kind of dog we thought we would have, or the grief of feeling we are not a good enough pet parent, as well as the grief of anticipating our pet’s passing, and the grief we feel when they have crossed over. Beth shares so many helpful tips, and she speaks from personal experience because it was her own experience of seeing a pet loss grief counsellor when her beloved cat Arnie was passing from cancer that catapulted her into this work.

Beth also shares how her relationship with Arnie has continued to grow and deepen even as he is on the other side.Whether you are currently experiencing grief, whether you did in the past and didn’t feel supported, whether you’re wanting to know how to support another who is in the grieving and mourning processes, or whether you just want to know more ways to deepen your relationship with your pet in life and on the other side, this is such an impactful episode.

And I hope that it helps create the space here in this community to honor, recognise, and hold space for us all as we experience the big emotions we have in our lives.

You can connect with Beth on her website https://honoringouranimals.com⁠ and Instagram ⁠https://instagram.com/honoringouranimals⁠

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https://mysticdogmama.com⁠Instagram: ⁠https://instagram.com/mysticdogmama⁠