Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems That Never Happened....A discussion

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May 29 2023 20 mins  

Welcome to another captivating episode of "One At A Time." In this thought-provoking instalment, we draw inspiration from the enlightening article titled "Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems That Never Happened."

This episode features insightful digging as we uncover the reasons why prevention receives less recognition than reactive solutions, as well as the societal and psychological factors that perpetuate this imbalance.

We talk bout the invaluable perspectives on how individuals and organizations can shift their mindset towards prevention and embrace proactive problem-solving. They unveil practical strategies and initiatives that can be implemented to mitigate risks, improve processes, and create a culture that celebrates foresight and prevention.

Through engaging anecdotes and real-world examples, we highlight the tangible benefits of preventive measures. From saving resources and time to minimising the impact of potential crises, our guests illustrate the significant impact of fixing problems that never happened.

I hope you enjoy this serving of One At A Time.

Link to the article

I hope you enjoy this serving of One At A Time.