Preparing for Lent: How to Avoid Missing the Graces

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Feb 02 2024 15 mins  

In this episode, Dan addresses a common concern among individuals who struggle to fully immerse themselves in the liturgical seasons of Advent and Lent. He openly admits that he too experiences these difficulties and offers his insights on how to overcome them and take advantage of the graces and opportunities for spiritual growth during these sacred times. He stresses the importance of breaking our usual routines and directing our hearts and minds towards God during Advent and Lent. Additionally, Dan shares some personal rituals and preparations for Lent, such as a thorough examination of conscience, devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows, and reading meditations on the passion of Jesus. He also encourages listeners to plan their Lenten activities ahead of time and prioritize prayer and other spiritual practices amidst their busy lives. Key Takeaways: +Advent and Lent are disruptive seasons that require us to break out of our normal patterns and orient our hearts and minds towards God. +It is important to engage in a deeper examination of conscience and be open to the Lord's guidance in identifying areas of sin or imperfection that need to be addressed during Lent. +Planning and scheduling Lenten activities in advance can help ensure that they are not overlooked or pushed aside amidst other commitments. +Reading meditations on the passion of Jesus can be a powerful way to draw closer to the Lord during Lent. +It is essential to prioritize prayer and spiritual practices during Lent and make them a non-negotiable part of our daily routines. Notable Quotes: +"The hardest thing about liturgical rhythm is that the seasons of Advent and Lent are disruptive rhythms. They require that we discontinue or change the normative patterns of our life. But this is on purpose. They're supposed to be disruptive so that we stop and break out of our ruts and out of the patterns that help us to fall asleep spiritually." - Dan +"A single tear shed at the remembrance of the passion of Jesus is worth more than a pilgrimage to Jerusalem or a year of fasting on bread and water because it was for this end that our Lord suffered so much, in order that we should think of his sufferings." - St. Augustine