Hope Series: Agency-Do you suffer from learned helplessness?

Episode Artwork
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Jul 30 2024 86 mins  

What's it about:

How to control your own life, from the inside, and out.

How we lose our felt sense of being able to affect our own world and environment.

How Josh's childhood struggles impacted his personality and contributed to his core challenges and growth.

How the listener will benefit:

See how people in real-life situations create trauma for their kids (or don't).

Learn how to cope and work through various conflicts with core identity and beliefs.

Josh tells the story of why and how he left home at a young age in search of a safe place to study algebra (and drink beer).

Miles tells the story of arguing with his wife and exhibiting safe conflict for his kids while protecting their personhood.

Empire of the Sun, Walking on a Dream


Tiger Army, Forever Fades Away


