Phil Horning-Is this getting in the way of your relationships?

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Aug 20 2024 64 mins  

Phil Horning returns. In this episode, we discuss how we get wounded in relationships and how we heal in relationships. The relief that we feel being seen in our pain and our struggles. How this is comforting and can aid the healing process. "I believe you, that does suck" is all that is required.

Josh covers stillness and reconciliation including recapitulation, the process of teasing apart your experience to summarize the mistakes, lessons, and most importantly the learning or behavioral change from your own life. This was largely the focus of James Wedmore's Next Level retreat this past week.

Phil reveals part of his attempts at repairing a damaged father/son relationship with his dad, who has demonstrated the willingness to acknowledge his own shortcomings. He shares an important connecting tool called attunement, which is the process of meeting someone where they are emotionally, energetically, and philosophically. Not to endorse, condone, or change someone, but to simply be with them in a way that helps them feel understood.

Learning the value of stillness, clarity, attunement, and recapitulation will help you drop your baggage and engage more fully in your relationships.

Phil Horning Previous Podcast Episode - Journey of a Maturing Man


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