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May 08 2024 2 mins  

Isaiah 42:5

This is what God the Lord says –
the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it

So far we’ve seen that the promised Servant will be just, faithful, gentle and will bring hope to the world. That sounds amazing! He’s exactly what our unjust, fickle, hostile, cynical world needs. But maybe it’s just too good to be true. How can we be sure? How could the people of Isaiah’s day – facing the prospect of judgement and exile – be certain that God really would send them such a wonderful rescuer?

Here in v.5 is God’s answer.

We can be confident that this Servant will come, and will be as wonderful as has been promised, because God’s word is powerful and trustworthy. The God who makes this promise – to Isaiah and to us - is the creator. Everything that exists exists because he made it. He spoke, and galaxies appeared, oceans were tamed, land emerged which produced plants that produced fruit to feed the creatures that his word brought to life. God knows how to make things happen just by speaking. And he is not only the creator but the sustainer. He gives life and breath to his people. Generations of descendants of Adam and Eve have walked the earth since God first spoke. Each one had life and breath only because God decided that they would. He sustains and provides for his people throughout history. If this God has a plan to rescue his people, he will certainly carry it out. If he says he will send them the Servant that they need, then he will surely do it.

So today let’s thank the God who has given us life and breath and all good things. And let’s praise him that he alone is mighty, creating and sustaining us by the power of his words.