Piglins, Zombie Piglins and Piglin Brutes

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Jul 24 2024 46 mins  

Welcome to the third edition into the Nether on Realm News!

The Dark Lord will discuss everything you will need to know about the Piglin, Zombie Piglin, and the Piglin Brute.

Do not miss the weekly poll which is all about the blaze.

The Real this week we will discuss a creepy pasta story covering a legendary Pigman that roams Northfield, Vermont.

Contact Me: bio.link/realmnews


1.) Zhou, Ruby. “Year of the Pig: Horoscope 2024, Personality, Lucky Color.” Www.chinahighlights.com, 12 Feb. 2024, www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/chinese-zodiac/pig.htm#google_vignette. Accessed 27 June 2024. T.S.: 15mins 20secs

2.) “Chinese Zodiac | History.” Depts.washington.edu, depts.washington.edu/triolive/quest/2007/TTQ07030/history.html#:~:text=Chinese%20Zodiac%20%7C%20History&text=The%20Chinese%20zodiac%20consists%20of. T.S.: 15mins30secs

3.) https://www.chinesezodiacyears.com/#google_vignette T.S.: 18mins 50secs

4.) Alexander, William. “The Totally Creepy Story of the Vermont Pigman.” Vermont’s Very Best - Haunted Vermont, Folklore & Much More..., 28 Mar. 2015, www.vermonter.com/vermont-pigman/#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20legend%2C%20the. Accessed 26 June 2024. T.S.: 20mins

5.) “Piglin.” Minecraft Wiki, 2019, minecraft.wiki/w/Piglin. Accessed 23 June 2024. T.S.: 28mins, 30mins