Holding Space, and the Importance of Environment, Guest Amber Clements 1/3 Reflector

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Mar 25 2024 63 mins  

In episode 39 of Real Human Design Stories, my guest is Amber Clements, a rare 1/3 Reflector. As a practitioner, author, and educator, Amber shares her journey of discovery, her path to becoming a guiding light for others, and how she navigates the unique challenges and gifts of being a Reflector. Join us for a conversation that promises to inspire, educate, and offer new insights into living in alignment with your truth. 00:00:00 Intro 00:01:39 Amber’s story: Discovering she’s a 1/3 Reflector 00:04:22 Life as a 1/3 Reflector: Multiple Careers and Finding Purpose 00:09:58 Flow and Fulfillment: The Journey to Writing for Reflectors 00:13:30 Beyond Waiting: When Reflectors and in the Moment Decisions 00:15:19 Learning to Say No: Setting Boundaries as a Reflector 00:19:05 Teflon Aura: Managing Expectations and Energies 00:28:13 Sensitivity and Energetic Awareness: Amber’s Experience 00:29:58 Lunar Cycles and Reflectors: Amber’s Personal Practice 00:32:40 Vision for The Australian College of Human Design: Community and Education 00:36:35 Reflectors and Learning: Unique Challenges and Strategies 00:39:18 Profile, Environment, and Intuition: Navigating Life Authentically 00:44:23 Trusting the Flow: Embracing Uncertainty and Possibility 00:52:05 Being a Barometer: The Power of Reflectors in Asking 00:55:20 RAX Cross of the Four Ways: Understanding 18-Year Cycles 00:58:18 Liberation Through Self-Acceptance: Ending the Quest for Answers 01:00:25 Acting as a 1/3 Reflector: Amber’s Personal Insights 01:01:45 Connecting with Amber: Coaching, Retreats, and More Amber Clements is a celebrated Human Design practitioner, author, and educator. With over five years of experience in Australia, she has founded The Australian College of Human Design, offering a platform for individuals to explore and integrate Human Design into their personal and professional lives. Amber is also the co-director of Australia's inaugural Human Design Conference. Her book, *The Human Design Reflector: Barometer of the World*, serves as a vital resource for Reflectors seeking to understand their unique role in the universe. -For more about Amber and her work, or learn about The Australian College of Human Design, or find details about Amber’s retreat Re-Wild the Woman Within go to https://www.changeyourway.com.au You can find Kathy and run your free Human Design Chart @ KathyBochonko.com https://www.facebook.com/kathy.bochonko/ https://www.instagram.com/kathybochonko/ Watch these conversations live in the Intuitive Design Facebook group- https://www.facebook.com/groups/intuitivehumandesign

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