From Ranger to Ryan

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Sep 01 2024 2 mins  

In the quiet where the echoes sleep,
A voice once lively took its rest,
Its stories paused, in silence steeped,
As listeners yearned, their patience pressed.

The mic stood still, the scripts untouched,
No laughter, wisdom, or debate,
Yet in the void, a bond was clutch'd,
The promise that they’d soon relate.

The world spun on, but something lacked,
A rhythm missed, a beat off-track,
Yet hope remained, intact, unslack'd,
For whispers of a grand comeback.

Then came the day, the static broke,
A spark, a hum, a well-known tone,
The voice returned, its presence spoke,
No longer was the night alone.

With every word, the stories flowed,
Familiar, yet with newfound grace,
A journey shared, a path bestow’d,
As time and space embraced the pace.

The listeners gathered, far and wide,
To greet the voice that dared to roam,
A podcast back, with tales supplied,
In every ear, it found its home.

So welcome back, oh cherished sound,
We missed the warmth your words bestow,
In your return, our hearts are bound,
To the stories only you can sow.