From Podcast to Personal

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Sep 05 2024 20 mins  

With trembling hands, the cover lifts,
A world within, once kept so close,
The ink-stained secrets, heart’s small gifts,
Now shared where only silence grows.

Each word a whisper, soft, discreet,
Each line a thread of buried pain,
But courage drives these fragile feet,
To let the sunlight touch the rain.

The pages turn, a life exposed,
A soul laid bare in every phrase,
The highs, the lows, the fears enclosed,
Now rise to meet the world’s gaze.

What once was hidden, locked away,
Finds freedom in the light of day,
A voice that dares, no longer stray,
As shadows of the past give way.

The world leans in, a breathless hush,
To hear the truths once left unspoken,
And in the sharing, comes a rush,
A bond unbroken, newly woken.

The journal speaks, no longer bound,
By fear or doubt, or quiet shame,
For in its pages, now profound,
A life’s true essence finds its name.