Eddy Smits - Finding The Inner Clown

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Aug 16 2023 54 mins  
Meet Eddy Smits, a TEDx public speaker, author, and licensed NLP practitioner. He's a certified Management Drives trainer, Cognitive Behavioural Life Coach, and master Mindset Life coach. With a background as a professional clown for 22 years, Eddy brought joy to 10,000 sick children, displaying exceptional leadership and authentic communication. Since 2012, he's been using clown techniques and positive intelligence to enhance Mental Fitness and leadership in his innovative approach to coaching in Personal Development. Let's welcome Eddy Smits, a true inspiration!

Eddy Smits >>>https://www.eddysmits.com/

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This podcast represents the opinions of Jack and Ryan as well as their guests to the show. The content here should not be taken as medical/mental health advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your mental healthcare professional for your mental health questions. Views and opinions expressed in the podcast are our own and do\may not represent that of the wider population. Our podcast may contain the use of language that is not suitable for all age groups. It will also contain real-life stories of mental health, suicide and the effects of suicide on individuals and families. While we make every effort to ensure that the information we are sharing is accurate, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or corrections of errors. We encourage listeners to do their own research and provide the sources we utilize in the show notes of each episode. If any of the things we talk about have affected you, please reach out.