Endometriosis; much more than just a bad period.

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Mar 07 2024 10 mins   1

This Endometriosis Awareness Month, tune in as three female doctors unravel the complexities of this often misunderstood condition.

With 1 in 10 individuals assigned female at birth affected, it's crucial to understand that debilitating period pain isn't normal and should never be ignored. While there's no cure, tailored treatments offer relief for many. Contrary to common belief, fertility issues only affect a minority.

Join us to break the silence surrounding Endometriosis and empower those impacted to seek the support they deserve

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If you would like to get in touch you can email us [email protected] or find us on Instagram @LadyBitesPodcast for more resources related to this episode.

Special thanks to Jeremy Roske for the soundtrack, A Little Love, available in full on Spotify