E03 - Epic discovery - Dairy and Kidneys, are they a good mix - the role dairy plays in kidney stone production

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Apr 01 2024 15 mins  

Episode 03 - The Crystal Clear Kidney Podcast - Epic discovery - Dairy and Kidneys, are they a good mix - the role dairy plays in kidney stone production

Welcome to "Crystal Clear Kidneys" with Dr. Paul, where we delve into the intricate relationship between dairy consumption and kidney health. In this episode, Dr. Paul sheds light on the impact of dairy products on renal function, particularly in regards to kidney stone formation.

Listeners will learn about the role of dairy in maintaining optimal kidney health, including its contribution to calcium intake and protein consumption. Dr. Paul explores the benefits of dairy for kidney function while addressing concerns about dairy intake in individuals with kidney disease.

From discussing dairy alternatives for kidney health to highlighting the importance of low-fat dairy options, Dr. Paul provides valuable insights into crafting a kidney-friendly diet. Join us as we unravel the complexities of dairy consumption in relation to urinary tract health and electrolyte balance, offering practical advice for making the best dairy choices for kidney health. Tune in to The Crystal Clear Kidney Podcast for expert guidance on navigating the dairy dilemma and promoting renal well-being.



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