Emily Paxhia, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Poseidon Asset Management

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May 26 2021 64 mins  

As a kid who grew up with the D.A.R.E program, to becoming co-founder of a first mover in the cannabis investment space, Emily Paxhia has had quite a life and Founders Journey. 

Growing up, she found an early passion in the rough sport of sailing. Predominantly a “boys sport”, her father reassured her that gender was a false barrier in pursuing her passions. She went on to skipper many, many crews, and so much more.

A series of tragedies struck her family when she was in High School and College, losing both her father, and later mother, to cancer. A passing comment from a hospice worker, during her fathers illness she learned of the medicinal use of cannabis. 

After graduate school in New York, and years focusing on Macro trends consulting for some major brands, it was her move from New York City to San Francisco in 2011 that opened her to the opportunity of Cannabis. Cannabis decriminalization has been a long and complex process in California. But with people lined up down the block for Cannabis retail, when retail is supposedly dead, Emily had her spark moment that Cannabis was the future and the time is now!

Circle in her brother Morgan, who, as she says, was “born with a calculator in his hand”; things started to take shape. They are now raising their third fund. Please enjoy the Founders Journey of Emily Paxia, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Poseidon Asset Management

Professional Summary:

Emily L. Paxhia is a co-founder and one of the managing directors of Poseidon Investment Management, LLC (“Poseidon”), which has three dedicated investment funds in the cannabis industry. Emily has reviewed thousands of companies in the cannabis industry and has worked with countless founders in many capacities. She has helped to shape founders’ pitch preparations, go-to market strategies and product launches, and she has advised companies on day-to-day business operations. Emily has held board seats for multiple portfolio companies and participates as an adviser to multiple teams. Further, she has dedicated time and energy to supporting policy groups and has served on the Board of Directors of the Marijuana Policy Project. She also currently serves on the Board of Directors of Athletes for CARE. Emily graduated from New York University with an M.A. in Psychology in 2008. She graduated from Skidmore College with a B.A. in Psychology in 2002.

Company Summary:

Poseidon was founded by siblings Emily & Morgan Paxhia in 2013, making their first fund one of the longest running dedicated cannabis investment funds. The Poseidon team has focused on a diversified strategy covering a range of company stages and industry sub-sectors across the capital spectrum. Now in the seventh year of conducting due diligence, deploying capital, and serving on multiple company Board of Directors, the team is considered a leader in the cannabis industry. This recognition, in conjunction with Poseidon being a first mover in the cannabis investment space, has led to a level of trust with industry insiders. Poseidon has forged a positive reputation in the cannabis industry by helping companies when others would not, resulting in proprietary deal flow.

Show Notes:


  • I'm on a need to freak out basis”
  • “We are extremely comfortable being uncomfortable Nauseously optimistic”

Inspirational Founders:

  • Abner...