May 27th - Celebrating Dishsoap's 2nd place at Tac Cup #2 Meta, 14.11 Patch Preview, and Itemization 101 Skills

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May 28 2024 68 mins   26

In this episode special, Dishsoap and Frodan are joined by special guest Kurumx, two-time TFT Worlds finalist the morning after Dishsoap's 2nd place finals run at the Tactician Cup #2. We recap the tournament meta with fresh insight from the two competitors while looking forward to the next patch. This week's fundamental discussion covers Itemization 101! When should you be slamming (or not slamming) your early-game items? How do you evaluate item augment? Is taking Spatulas from carousels bait? When should you be taking items for yourself or denying your opponents? We probably yapped a little too long on this one....and we still barely scratched the surface.