Ways To Feel More Human - available now

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May 20 2024 1 mins  

Welcome to WAYS TO FEEL MORE HUMAN, a new podcast about how to thrive in a frazzled world by Susannah Taylor.

I have been a wellbeing writer of over 20 years and it is glaringly obvious to me that we are no longer living in alignment with who we are.

Obesity, anxiety, depression and chronic disease are at an all time high and it is clear to me that we have completely deviated off our human path. We spend less and less time in nature; we eat unnatural, highly processed food; we work 24/7 staring at screens; we sit down all day hunched over laptops; we are lonelier than ever; we barely move; we rarely use our hands, and we don’t allow the sun to warm our skin.

Amidst an overwhelm of digital and the dawn of AI, we are at a pivotal point in the history of mankind where we must stop and re-evaluate how we are living our lives.

It is my mission to help us reconnect with what our bodies and minds do best and to honour this unbelievable feat of engineering called the human body.

I will be speaking to some of the world’s most knowledgeable and inspiring thought leaders from anthropologists to neuroscientists, doctors to evolutionary biologists, Buddhists to priests, yogis to psychologists, creatives to wellness coaches (some names you will know, others you won’t.)

My aim? To help us rethink the way we currently live, to reconnect our natural wiring and to stop us from losing the plot amidst the tech jungle that’s currently frying our brains.

This podcast will convince you that you are way more important than any AI robot, smartphone or screen could ever be.

It is, essentially, a celebration of being human.

Follow me on Instagram @susannahtaylor_

Contact me: [email protected]

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