Building trust in Sobriety with SoberProof App

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Sep 06 2024 39 mins   2

For this episode we have teamed up with SoberProof

SoberProof does exactly what it says on the tin – it's an app that combines randomised testing with video verification and the active involvement of a "companion" (family, friend, coach) to create an unbreakable chain of accountability and trust. It has been specifically designed to help repair relationships that have been damaged by alcohol, addressing issues that other sobriety tools have not. I chat to the founder Edward on this episode.

Get early access

The Sober Club is 5 years old in September, we’ve teamed up with Club Claritee to host a celebration in London – tickets only £10 join us

Click on Wed 18th Sept (the Eventbrite link may not include The Sober Club yet)

Please join me too on one of my book tour dates – From Wham! to Woo – A Life on the mic is out in October, dates across the UK

New to Sobriety? Sober Curious?

Check out The Sober Club, for low cost support, accountability, inspiration, connection and a whole host of content on holistic living. Membership includes and online course Get the Buzz without the Booze, our private non-judgemental community online and regular zoom meetings, plus a whole library of exclusive wellbeing content

If you want to support the work go to

Thank you for listening! Please share, rate and review

If you’re struggling, always reach out, tell someone you’re doing this!

Ditched the Booze and want to inspire others? Janey offers holistic sober coach training, our next course starts end Jan 25, email Janey for a chat to see if its right for you – janey at There is a FREE webinar Turs 17 Sept at 7.30pm

Register HERE

Supplements for recovery

The BEST Magnesium blend ever is the blend from Clive – if you use this link for everything you buy, a bit goes into our Sober Club giveback fund

If you can afford it, also get Vit D3, Amino Acids and Iodine (if you’re menopausal)

Use this link for everything:

Check out my new Substack, you can be a free subscriber or paid for some juicy extras Sobriety Rocks…& The Woo Works

Follow Janey on social media @janeyleegrace