23: The Revolution Of Your Own Liberation

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Nov 02 2022 27 mins  

Today, I want to emphasize just how powerful your femenine energy is; every time you radiate love and express your femininity, it is a revolutionary act. When I heard the news of Mahsa Amini’s death, I felt rage choking the femenine light within me, so I moved, I wrote and I consciously centered myself on love and harmony. Mahsa Amini’s death was just one tragic example of the terror our Iranian sisters are living in, under the morality police. It is this need to regulate a woman’s innate sexuality that is preventing fertility and the union of masculine and femenine energy on this planet.

In this episode, I implore you to fully embrace your femininity because the revolution begins with your own liberation.The old repressive systems that once choked the femenine existence are crumbling. It is justifiable to feel angry at these atrocities but If you surrender to that anger, the pendulum will only swing to the opposite extreme and you won’t be any closer to restoring harmony. Your femenine energy is healing energy and that is what our world needs now. I believe that our true purpose, here on earth, is to find balance between the sexes and create a world of love and harmony for generations to come. Reclaim your femininity and join the revolution!

Key Takeaways:

[3:20] Masha Amini’s story

[4:20] How her desire for freedom offended the morality police

[5:30] Femenine revolts in the streets of Iran

[6:45] Women are being raped in police custody

[7:10] This is beyond spirituality, the divine femenine is revolting against these crumbling systems.

[8:25] The consciousness of the femenine is awakening in every being on the planet

[9:10] Be courageous because this ends here with you!

[10:05] A new age of balanced energies between the sexes

[11:00] Allow your community to experience your own divine femenine

[11:45] It is your emotions that have been exiled!

[12:00] Channeling your energy into creating harmony and love in the world

[12:30] The revolution begins by liberating yourself

[13:00] Allowing the men in your life to love and support us

[13:30] The revolution is erotic

[15:00] Your sacred sexuality is not meant to be controlled

[16:00] Labeling your erotisicm as immoral prevents the sacred union of masculine and femenine

[17:40] These narratives are blocking the fertility that creates the masculine polarity of attraction

[18:10] Women are not the problem, unconscious fearful thinking is the problem

[19:14] It starts with you expanding your capacity for love

[20:00] Men are an integral part of this revolution

[20:30] Do you want your children to suffer under the same repression as your ancestors?

[22:30] You are doing the work for the next 7 generations

[23:50] Consciously move your rage because you are not meant to remain stuck in your rage

[25:06] Coming back into union and harmony

[25:40] Reclaim the parts of you that have been exiled

Connect with Josefina:

Instagram: @josefinabashout

Website: josefinabashout.com

Awaken your confidence & feminine firehttps://www.josefinabashout.com/af-newsletter-sign-up

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Memorable Quotes:

“What’s unfortunate is, even if it’s peaceful, even if they’re just standing in the streets with their hair uncovered these women are being beaten, they’re being thrown into jail and what’s happening when they’re being thrown into jail, now they’re being raped.” [6:30]

“To turn a blind eye and to say that the divine feminine rising is just some bullshit esoteric thing that's just in the spiritual community, I want to put an end to that right now and say open your eyes! Pay attention to what’s happening because these systems are crumbling. Women have had absolutely enough!” [7:05]

“Now it's time to come back to more equilibrium of the balance of the sexes, not fighting against the masculine, not fighting against the patriarchy but just by being the revolution, by being the change in your community…[10:25]

“It is our emotions that have been exiled! Our rage, our grief, our sadness. These emotions are sacred, these emotions are powerful and these frequencies are all divine when we can channel them in a way that isn’t harmful to our loved ones, that isn’t harmful to the planet. That we can find ways to let them burn to channel this energy into something that brings more harmony…”[11:43]

“To say that this is immoral is only creating a further and further gap between the true evolutionary intent of being on this planet in two separate bodies of masculine and feminine which is for us to come back into the divine model of union. Sacred union.” [16:00]