How to Make the Torah Come True, pt. 2: Finding Unity Between Good and Evil

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May 23 2024 53 mins   4

4:50 Getting angry is akin to idolatry 6:00 Why is Judaism's vision so challenging to achieve? 7:00 God's unity is approached through 3 pathways, represented by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 11:00 The problem of evil is the reason that humans can't weave all of being around one good principle 13:10 Isaac represents the problem of evil 15:40 Why would God tell Abraham to slaughter Isaac? 19:30 How can we organize our psyche around one principle given that there is both good and evil? 22:15 The great men who attempted to bring the Messiah - Yehudah and Hezekiah, sons of Rabbi Chiya 26:00 Redemption depends on Abraham, Isaac and Jacob being in harmony 27:45 The book of Malachi and its vision; the role of Elijah the Prophet in effecting a rapprochement among the forefathers 32:00 How to effect that rapprochement and solve the problem of evil 33:15 The problem of evil is based on taking our subjective existence as a source of value 36:00 Thinking of yourself as cause instead of effect 40:00 Sacrificial worship is nihilistic, until Malachi reinterpreted it 47:00 Sh'ma and Hashem as our father 51:15 How we can achieve the Jewish vision This lecture is a project of the Jacob Lights Foundation