Debut Taunts - Episode 116

Episode Artwork
0% played 00:00 00:00
Nov 16 2024 18 mins   1

A painted image of two men in red jumpsuits and a few enemies in the background in blue jumpsuits. One man in red is down on one knee, his hand gripping a radio, headset over his ears, other arm shielding his eyes as he looks up at something. In his hand that's shielding his eyes is a raygun. The other man in red is pointing his raygun pistol at the approaching enemies. There's a rocket behind him. The enemies have rifles.
Will you enjoy the new crop of audio dramas debuting this fall on the Magnum Radio Network? The Gun Doctor! Chap Zero’s House of Traps! Chick Quasar, Space Stevedore! Listen to find out!

Debut Taunts, episode 116 of This Gun in My Hand, was doctored by Rob Northrup. This episode and all others are available on Youtube with automatically-generated closed captions of dialog. Visit for credits, show notes, archives, and to buy my books, such as Little Heist in the Big Woods and Other Revisionist Atrocities. What’s coming your way next fall? This Gun in My Hand!

Show Notes:
1. Listen to the Mystery Frequency podcast for a wide variety of old time radio dramas, like Dr. Sixgun and Captain Starr of Space.
2. I want to say that toys advertising actual gold seems like something unique to our modern hellscape, but they’ve probably done it before, or equally ridiculous and borderline scammy promotions. For example, in 1955, Quaker Oats bought 19 acres of land in the Yukon Territory of Canada and printed 21 millions deeds, each deed for square inch of land, as a promotion for the Sergeant Preston of the Yukon TV show.

The opening and middle transitional music clips were from The Sun Sets at Dawn (1950), and the closing music was from Killer Bait (1949), both films in the public domain. Most of the music and sound effects used in the episode are modified or incomplete versions of the originals.

“Gun Doctor” music and hoofbeats taken from the September 2, 1954 episode of the radio show Dr. Sixgun
License: Public Domain

Organ music in “Chick Quasar” taken from the July 14, 1953 episode of the radio show Captain Starr of Space.
License: Public Domain

I hope the tiny excerpt of “Need to Know” by Incognito (Democracy Now theme song) counts as fair use after it was chopped, screwed and filtered.

Music Title: Flight of the Carpenter Bee
By Steven Arntson 
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: Mount Moganshan Insect Chorus
By: RTB45 
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Insect chorus recorded one summer evening, Mount Moganshan, Zhejiang Provence, People's Republic of China

Sound Effect Title: Car_motor_Sound.m4a 
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: barking dog 2
License: public domain

Sound Effect Title: Angry big dog barking - Close [d15].wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Dog Barking and Whining.wav
License: Public Domain

Sound Effect Title: Doggo_Panting_1_Para.mp3 
by Paradoxxxical 
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 

Sound Effect Title: R15-82-Men Laughing Heartily.wav 
License: Public Domain 

Sound Effect Title: Real Colt 45 M1911 (shot)
By Carmelomike
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

Sound Effect Title: Kimmokkeita / Ricochets
By YleArkisto
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

Sound Effect Title: bustle in the pub
License: Public Domain

Music Title: spoons.wav (used in “Fight the Rascals”)
by angienm
License: Public Domain 

Music Title: Munniharppua.ogg (jaw harp used in “Fight the Rascals”)
By ElectricToothpaste
License: Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 
via Wikimedia Commons

The image accompanying this episode is a modified detail of the public domain comic book cover from Tom Corbett, Space Cadet Number 10, May-July 1954. Painting by Al McWilliams.