EP8:來去冰島看極光#6 - 鐵皮屋也可以很好看

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0% played 00:00 00:00
Dec 27 2020 42 mins  

♞ Akureyri 阿庫雷里市區逛逛
 ⌘ 免費停車場:City Center Parking
 ⌘ 10:00~16:00期間只能停1小時,超時可能會被開罰單
 ⌘ 需放停車證(可到對面的銀行拿取)
 ⌘ Parking in Akureyri is free but you need a clock-card where you set the time of arrival.
 ⌘ Parking areas have maximum parking times displayed. You set the clock to show your time of
arrival and if you exceed the maximum parking (or try to cheat by setting the clock ahead of
the actual time) you run the risk of a fine. The clock-cards are available for free in banks,
info-centers, hotels, petrol-stations and many shops in Akureyri. In case you don’t find a
clock-card, write the time of parking on a piece of paper and display it in the front window of
the car.

♞ Blönduóskirkja 鯨魚造型教堂
 ⌘ 有空地可停車

♞ Ömmukaffi 吃午餐
 ⌘ 有免費停車位

♞ Kirkjufell教堂山/草帽山
 ⌘ 可至遊客中心(N1加油站對面)上洗手間(付費)

♞ 行經Hvalfjarðargöng 海底隧道

🏠民宿:Guesthouse Sunna

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