131204 God's Sovereign Control Over His Universe

Dec 06 2013 48 mins  
WEDNESDAY EVENING (December 4th) • Prayer & Providence God's Sovereign Control Over His Universe * If God is to carry out his good purposes, he must be able to exercise rule and control over the world he created. This rule includes the inanimate, animate, and moral realms in which he has established the principle of law and over which he rules according to law. God did not entrap himself in his creation; with divine foresight exercised in divine forethought, he created a world and established laws through which his eternal purposes can be realized Recording to his will.Perhaps the first question should be this: by what right can he claim universal rule and direction? What sort of input do Genesis 1:1, Psalm 33:6, Psalm 93:1-2, Psalm 104:1-9, Psalm 148:5-6, and Colossians 1:15-17 provide for our question? III his bewilderment and perplexity.job said some hard things about God, even passing judgmenton God's moral conduct (Job 9:22-24). Though he did not understand or have an answer to the problems he faced, job was not justified in sitting in judgment against the Lord. In bringing the patriarch to realize his total inability to judge hi In, the LORD asked Job a long series of questions,none of which Job could answer. What call we learn from this interaction? Take the time to carefully read and reflect on what God is revealing about himself in relation to:The Inanimate world: • The Creation itself (Job 38:4-7) - • Control and government of the sea (Job 38:8-11) - • The bringing forth of the dawn (Job 38:12-15) - • The springs of the sea (Job 38:16-18) - • The dwelling of light Job 38:19-21)- • Snow and hail (Job 38:22-24) -• Rain, lightning, and thunder (Job 38:21-30)- • The heavenly bodies (Job 38:31-33) - • The clouds and rain (Job 38:34-38) -The Animate World: • The lion (Job 18:39-40) - • The raven (Job 38:41) - • The mountain goats (Job 39:1-4) - • The wild donkey (Job 39:5-8) - • The wild ox (Job 39:9-12)- • The ostrich (Job 39:13-18)- • The horse (job 39:19-25)-- • The hawk and the eagle (Job 39:26-30)