131211 Providence in the Moral Realm - The Hebrew Nation

Dec 13 2013 48 mins  
WEDNESDAY EVENING (December 11th) • Prayer & Providence * Providence in the Moral Realm - The Hebrew Nation We've divided the last phase of our study into four parts: (1) God's selection of the Hebrew nation and his direction of them as the people through whom he would bring a redeemer into the world, (2) God's providential use of the heathen nations in rebellion against him, who sought the destruction of the chosen people, (3) Christ's rule in national and spiritual kingdoms, (4) and the exercise of God's providential working in the individual.First, we consider the Hebrew nation. What stands out to you from the following significant old Testament verses? How do they manifest or demonstrate God's providence? • Genesis 3:15 - • Genesis 12:1- 3; 15:5,13 14; 22:18 - Abraham had two sons born unto him front whom Jehovah chose Isaac; from the two sons of Isaac, the LORD chose Jacob; and of the twelve sons of Jacob, God chose Joseph through whom in his providence.Jacob's descendants would be brought into Egypt, the land in which they would sojourn and grow into a nation.The story of Joseph and the events which brought Jacob's family into the land of the Pharaohs is one of the best illustrations of providence revealed in the Scriptures. Using Genesis 45:1-8 and 50:15-21 as "the end of the story" and your overall knowledge of Joseph's life (beginning in Genesis 37), what very well could be traces of God's providence ill Genesis 37-50? 1Considering the broad scope of events that transpired from Genesis 50 through the time of Nehemiah, what can we learn about God's providence from statements like Nehemiah 9:6-8? Do you remember what Mordecai said to Esther in Esther 4:12-14? What can we learn about God's providence from the incredible story contained in the book of Esther?