Navigating the LinkedIn Algorithm for Client Attraction

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Aug 11 2024 48 mins  

In this episode, we dive into the world of LinkedIn with Petra Fisher, a unique LinkedIn trainer who focuses on attracting your dream clients by staying true to your values, personality, and desired fees. Petra shares her expertise on how to leverage LinkedIn effectively while maintaining authenticity and driving entrepreneurial success. 

Petra Fisher is a LinkedIn trainer who stands out by not being overly concerned with pleasing the algorithm. Despite her busy schedule, Petra makes time for her favorite activity: drinking tea. She often finds herself working less than she'd like due to her cat's demands for attention. Given the housing shortage, Petra isn't expecting her young adult daughter to move out anytime soon. To maintain flexibility, she has structured her business to be entirely online, allowing her to travel and work remotely. 

Key Topics Covered:

Why be on LinkedIn:

The importance of having a presence on LinkedIn

How LinkedIn can be powerful tool for networking and business growth

How to navigate LinkedIn:

Tips and tricks for navigating the platform efficiently

Utilizing LinkedIn's features to maximize your visibility and engagement. 

Show up authentically:

The significance of authenticity on LinkedIn

Strategies for presenting your true self to attract like-minded clients and connections.

Client Success:

Real-life examples of client success stories

How authentically and strategic use of LinkedIn led to tangible business outcomes

Free LinkedIn Option:

The benefits of using free version of LinkedIn

How to maximize the platform's potential without. premium subscription

Drive to Entrepreneurship:

Petra's journey to becoming a LinkedIn trainer and entrepreneur

The motivations and challenges faced along the way

Initial steps to build a business:

Essential steps for starting a business on LinkedIn

How to set up a compelling LinkedIn profile and network effectively

Value Added:

The importance of adding value to your network and clients

Strategies for creating and sharing valuable content on LinkedIn


Common obstacles faced when building a presence on LinkedIn

How to overcome these challenges and stay motivated

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