Sep 07 2023 18 mins
How People-Pleasing and Codependency Can Impact Your Life
Are you someone who constantly prioritizes the needs of others, even at the expense of your own? Do you find yourself struggling with boundaries and unable to say no? While being kind and accommodating is a valuable trait, it can quickly cross over into fawning behavior or codependency, which can significantly impact your life and relationships. Let's explore the dangers of fawning, signs of fawning behavior, and practical strategies for breaking free from this harmful pattern.
Are you someone who constantly prioritizes the needs of others, even at the expense of your own? Do you find yourself struggling with boundaries and unable to say no? While being kind and accommodating is a valuable trait, it can quickly cross over into fawning behavior or codependency, which can significantly impact your life and relationships. Let's explore the dangers of fawning, signs of fawning behavior, and practical strategies for breaking free from this harmful pattern.