Aug 12 2024 80 mins
Gabrielle Bosnic - Mom to her 2 year old daughter and founder of Serene Moms. Gabrielle shares her journey to motherhood from self image & confidence changes, postpartum anxiety, embracing your new life after becoming a mom and holistic lifestyle choices. We discuss the ongoing process of self-discovery and healing when you become a mom. Gabrielle shares her positive induction birth story and opens up about living with an autoimmune disease "Hashimoto's" which she was diagnosed with during her pregnancy. We discuss the challenges and transformations of early motherhood and share tips to empower new moms in embracing motherhood with self-compassion. and care.
"Serene Moms" provides online yoga sessions, mindfulness courses & is a community space tailored to moms' needs. For more information go to
Brittany Olson @becomingamotherpodcast & b_pepeolson
Gabrielle Bosnic @serenemoms
"Serene Moms" provides online yoga sessions, mindfulness courses & is a community space tailored to moms' needs. For more information go to
Brittany Olson @becomingamotherpodcast & b_pepeolson
Gabrielle Bosnic @serenemoms